Dr. Howard Tucker, an centenarian neurologist from Ohio shares his priceless insights on living a joyful and fulfilli...
A new study suggests that keeping fit can help stave off the condition, with the findings also opening the door to po...
After years of work, there is progress in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease, the incurable brain condition that a...
A Cincinnati woman is crediting her Apple Watch for saving her life after it woke her up when her heart rate spiked t...
U.S. adults are smoking less. Cigarette smoking dropped to another new all-time low last year, with 1 in 9 adults say...
a conversation with myself was the start of emerging from my once-hidden challenges, Harry Miller writes.
People who follow Mediterranean or MIND diets may have fewer signs of Alzheimer's disease in their brain tissue, acco...
Engineers in Australia say they developed a miniature robotic arm that could 3D print biomaterial directly onto human...
Researchers found that when they turned cancer cells into immune cells, they were able to teach other immune cells ho...