How one small Pennsylvania pharmacy is vaccinating thousands

Behind the counter of Skippack Pharmacy in Schwenksville, near Philadelphia, owner Mayank Amin has been working late ...

91-year-old police officer has no plans to retire

The Arkansas officer tried retiring once. It lasted five months.

High school students write memoir about life during pandemic

Teacher Shawn Adler encouraged his students to publish a memoir, “The Class of Covid-19,” to share their experiences ...

Adopted woman reunites biological parents after 50 years

One woman’s journey to uncover her past, led to a future love story between reunited high school sweethearts.

Biden Admin Advances First Major U.S. Offshore Wind Farm Project

The first commercial-scale offshore wind project in the U.S. cleared a final hurdle on Monday when the Interior Depar...

Mexico To Approve Free Higher Education

A special fund will be used to guarantee a place for young people in the national university system.

Miami janitor quietly feeds thousands, and love's the reason

Doramise Moreau toils long past midnight in her tiny kitchen every Friday — boiling lemon peels, crushing fragrant ga...

Self-flying drones are helping speed deliveries of COVID-19 vaccines ...

From the belly of a drone to a shot in the arm.

Penguin Escapes Killer Whales by Jumping into Sightseeing Boat

Watch a lone penguin flee a pod of killer whales in Antarctica and escape by jumping into a sightseeing boat full of ...

What vaccinated grandparents have been waiting for: CDC gives go-ahea...

The best news? Fully vaccinated grandparents can visit safely with unvaccinated grandchildren.

For the first time, girls were eligible to be Eagle Scouts -- and nea...

Becoming an Eagle Scout is a rigorous process. A candidate has to earn 21 merit badges varying in subject from first ...

She's the first female tour guide in Afghanistan, but she's determine...

Fatima, a 22-year-old college student in Herat, is the only woman tour guide in Afghanistan. But if she gets her way,...