Granddad is a champion arm-wrestler after watching YouTube videos bat...

Mark Waldon picked up arm-wrestling while recoving from a bout of Covid during lockdown.

Texas border town mobilises to give its Mexican neighbors Covid shots

Cross-border effort using donated vaccines gives Nuevo Laredo residents thousands of Covid shots per day

Mask requirements in schools reduced coronavirus cases, CDC finds

As states and school systems around the country are dropping their mask mandates, public health officials have conclu...

People who test positive for Covid can receive antiviral pills at pha...

The administration will launch hundreds of sites nationwide at CVS, Walgreens and Kroger as well as community health ...

Europe's oldest person survives Covid aged 116 - BBC News

Having battled coronavirus, French nun Sister Andre will celebrate her 117th birthday this week.

Australia to reopen to vaccinated international travelers this month

Australia will open its borders to fully vaccinated international travelers from late February, Australian Prime Mini...

Houston vaccine researchers Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Maria Elena Botta...

In a nomination letter to the Norwegian parliament nominating committee in Oslo, Fletcher...

NY COVID Hospitalizations Drop Below 10,000 as Numbers Improve Quickly

Total COVID hospitalizations in New York dropped below 10,000 on Sunday for the first time in 3 weeks, as numbers con...

US pharmacies are rolling out free N95 masks as free Covid-19 tests b...

The Biden administration seeks to ramp up access to high-quality masks amid the spread of the highly transmissible Om...

New York and other north-eastern US states see a rapid fall in Covid ...

Despite decreasing positivity rates, hospitals continue to struggle amid a surging patient load and staff shortages

COVID program delivers 1 billion doses to poorer countries

BERLIN (AP) — The World Health Organization said Sunday that a U.N.-backed program shipping coronavirus vaccines to m...

Fall River's Merrow Manufacturing selling stockpile of 500,000 COVID-...

Merrow Manufacturing in Fall River just took delivery of 500,000 COVID rapid test kits from a South Korean manufactur...