Bhutan parliament decriminalizes gay sex

The Himalayan kingdom is the latest Asian nation to ease restrictions on same-sex relationships

Ocean Cleanup Sets Its Sights On World's Most Polluted Rivers

After a year spent tackling the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, the Ocean Cleanup company sets its sights on the world's...

Some doctors, therapists get Health Canada permission to use magic mu...

Four months after it allowed a handful of palliative care patients to use psilocybin as a way to relieve end-of-life ...

Birds increase human happiness, study finds - BirdWatching

The number of bird species in a person’s surroundings correlates to happiness, according to a new quality-of-life stu...

Little girl makes Christmas wish to see her best friend again. Santa ...

"Dear Santa, for Christmas I would like it to be a surprise. Please tell Nyla that I miss her," the little girl's let...

Tanja Babich, ABC 7 Chicago anchor, wears glasses on-air to support d...

"Just be yourself, authentically and unapologetically, the rest will work itself out," she said.

Over 900 cars paid for each other's meals at a Dairy Queen drive thru...

What started as a random act of kindness from one man paying for the car behind him in a Dairy Queen drive-through re...

Australian scientists develop genome sequencing to trace COVID-19 cas...

Australian scientists said on Thursday they had developed a rapid genome sequencing method that would cut to within f...

Over 900 cars paid for each other's meals at a Dairy Queen drive thru...

What started as a random act of kindness from one man paying for the car behind him in a Dairy Queen drive-through re...

New whale species discovered off coast of Mexico

Scientists were searching for a rare species of whale when they discovered what they believe is an entirely new speci...

'Fospice' Movement Aims to Give Pets a Loving, Final Homes

People are adopting older, often sick animals in the foster hospice movement

Community supports neighbor after racist letter criticizing Christmas...

After Chris Kennedy received a racist letter objecting to his Black Santa Christmas decoration, his neighbors in Arka...