Local photographer surprises restaurant server with $1,000 tip from c...

With all that has gone on in 2020, smiles have been hard to come by. That's why Caitlin Reilley, a local photographer...

This 2-Acre Vertical Farm Out-Produces 720 Acre ‘Flat Farms’

According to Nate Storey, the future of farms is vertical. It’s also indoors, can be placed anywhere on the planet, i...

Texas will host the largest solar project in the US - Electrek

Northeastern Texas will become home to a 1,310-megawatt solar farm, The Samson Solar Energy Center. It will be the la...

1st drug for rare rapid-aging disease extends kids' lives

The first drug was approved Friday for a rare genetic disorder that stunts growth and causes rapid aging in children,...

Tyler Perry offers Thanksgiving meals to 5,000 families on Sunday

Tyler Perry is continuing his long-standing efforts to give back to the Atlanta community. He announced his studio wi...

A St. Petersburg Reddit post helped a man in need get a free car

“When I first got the call, I felt like I was going to cry,” said the recipient of the vehicle.

Foster moms team up to buy Christmas presents for 275 foster children

Though foster parents receive a stipend from the state of Florida, it’s not enough money to buy Christmas presents.

'They're Ours': San Antonio couple with four children adopts six biol...

SAN ANTONIO- A local family adopted six biological siblings on Thursday, even though they already have four kids of t...

Young Afghan woman opens art gallery to create jobs in pandemic

Marzia Panahi, 21, set up Namad Gallery in Kabul to create jobs for young people hit hard by the economic downturn du...

A gym trainer exposed 50 athletes to Covid-19, but no one else got si...

A Virginia gym owner thought she had a nightmare scenario on her hands when she learned that 50 athletes were potenti...

Some tropical forests show surprising resilience as temperatures rise

Scientists are finding that some percentage of tropical forests may hold up under global warming—if they’re not cut d...

Dachshund rescues family's small dog from mountain lion attack in Col...

Winston the dachshund saw a mountain lion grab his best friend Mijo, a 15-year-old chiweenie. But instead of running ...