Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, longest-married presidential couple, celeb...

Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter celebrated their 74th anniversary Tuesday, adding to their record as the longest-married pr...

Community project makes over 13,000 masks for people in need

The project began as a way to help people stay safe from COVID-19. While the goal was ambiitous, support from communt...

California Condors spotted in Sequoia Park for the first time in near...

The recently reintroduced endangered California condors continue to reoccupy parts of their historic range, including...

First responder rescues kitten from underground pipe

Rather than retrieving it from a tree, as one might expect, an Allegany County Department of Emergency Services techn...

Former Kalamazoo football player catches 3-year-old dropped from burn...

He credits his training as a marine and security officer and instincts for his reaction.

Act of kindness at Portage restaurant gives hope to first time patron

As restaurants slowly begin to open back up, people have still been trying to find a place to sit down and enjoy a me...

Act of kindness inspires others to pay it forward at Taco Sombrero

One customer’s act of kindness at Taco Sombrero in Gulfport inspired 78 other drivers to pay it forward. News 25's Lo...

Parents Seeking Academic Help For Children After COVID Semester At Home

The COVID-19 pandemic forced schools to move to virtual learning after spring break this year. Now, in the middle of ...

Aegina Set to Become First Greek Island with Zero Stray Dogs

When New York-based Theo Moumtzidis and Silja Schiller first laid eyes on each other at a trendy restaurant in Mykono...

Mountain View Food Pantry helps Mini-Cassia area

The food pantry offers food boxes to anybody in the community every 31 days.

Cat helps itself to some milk during online church service

A cat stole the show during an online prayer service after it was caught on camera stealing some milk.

Leon County helps businesses by providing free masks

Almost two weeks into the Leon County mask mandate, some Tallahassee businesses say it’s becoming a ‘new normal’ for ...