Global swarming: Eco-friendly pig farm 'feeds a million bees'

A pig farm in Suffolk which turned over half its land to wildflowers is now "feeding one million bees".

Spain to close half its coal-fired power stations

The country is on track to becoming one of the world's fastest decarbonizing nations

A volunteer 'sewing squad' distributed more than 55,000 masks to vuln...

Kristina Wong is an actress and comedian known for her one-women shows. But she traded the stage for a sewing machine...

This Woman Has Rescued 72,000 Human Trafficking Victims

Hasina Kharbhih’s innovative Meghalaya Model offers global lessons for the fight against human trafficking.

Clever cat wins police plaudits in Japan for leading to rescue of man...

A neighbor followed Koko the cat's gaze, discovering a man lying on his back in about 15 cm of water.

Asian American community marches from Chinatown to Bridgeport in supp...

In a strong display of solidarity and faith, hundreds marched from Chinatown to Bridgeport in support of the Black Li...

Morrisons security guard praised for sheltering dog from rain in vira...

‘How people behave when they think nobody is watching is a sign of the person they are’

Real-life superhero celebrated in Webster

Webster N. Y. (WHAM) - There was a real-life superhero sighting in Webster over the weekend. Five-year-old Anthony L...

Toronto woman bakes more than 800 loaves of bread during COVID-19 to ...

When Erin Socall lost her job due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she started making bread and delivering it to people in n...

Stories For The Soul

Little story. So my husband tells my son (who has autism) to run in and get a take-out menu from Sun Restaurant. The...

San Jose lowriders bring coronavirus relief to Gilroy farmworkers

The brightly colored caravan carried diapers, sanitizer, food and more

Boy, 5, completes 10km walk on prosthetic legs

Tony Hudgell set a fundraising target of £500 but has now raised over £1m for a children's hospital.