Eagles safety Anthony Harris takes Texas girl to 'Daddy-Daughter Dance'

After losing her father unexpectedly, Audrey Soape's mother swung into action when it was time for the "Daddy-Daughte...

Man’s wife said he needs to ‘make friends,’ so he made pancakes for d...

All it took was a couple of tweets, a few flyers around the neighborhood and a shared love of pancakes.

When a deaf woman’s dog went missing, Belfast hurried to help

“The community saved life. And they also saved me. Because I was just out of my mind with worry," Marine Delune said.

This plastic-free Cassava bag dissolves in hot water

Seeking to help eliminate single-use plastic bags worldwide, an Australian startup, Cassava Bags, has launched its v...

Time in Nature Can Now Be Prescribed as Health Care Treatment in Cana...

Health care providers in four Canadian provinces — British Columbia (BC), Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario — can no...

First patient in UK given ‘vaccine’ for cancer in pioneering clinical...

Ground-breaking treatment at The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre aims to stop cancer returning A Merseyside man has be...

Farmington man's act of kindness during blizzard honored by local bus...

Eugene Kiroauc, stepped up and helped his neighbors during the blizzard a week ago, offering to plow driveways for fr...

La Ronge teen hopes his passion for sewing clothes will spark creativ...

Wyatt Miller doesn’t mind when people tease him for his love of sewing. The 19-year-old from La Ronge, Saskatchewan i...

See something, say something: Instacart driver recounts how she may h...

In the viral TikTok video, the woman says she believed a customer had a propane tank leaking.

Houston vaccine researchers Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Maria Elena Botta...

In a nomination letter to the Norwegian parliament nominating committee in Oslo, Fletcher...

Video: Oil delivery driver clears snow from 87-year-old's steps

It looks like a normal, snowy delivery of heating oil, but then he spots a need and grabs a shovel.

Meet the 2nd grader whose original book has a years-long waitlist

Dillon Helbig, 8, became a national sensation after he slipped his comic book onto a library shelf in Idaho.