America is finally winning its fight against the coronavirus

There's no need to cherry-pick the numbers. It's good news all around.

Get vaccinated in Ohio and get a shot at $1 million, Gov. Mike DeWine...

DeWine said there would be five weekly lottery-style drawings for vaccinated Ohioans.

Talladega Superspeedway will let people drive around track at COVID-1...

People who get tested for COVID or receive vaccine will get to run two laps around Talladega

The volunteer network sending oxygen to India's Covid patients

Srinivas B.V. barely sleeps at night. His phone rings 24 hours a day with cries of help from Indians begging for oxyg...

7th grader creates Lego ventilator to help with shortages

A 7th grader from Winnetka, Illinois has created a ventilator out of Legos to help with ventilator shortages!

EU aims to open up to foreign tourists this summer amidst COVID-19

The European Union's executive has recommended easing COVID-19 travel restrictions next month to let foreign travelle...

2 in 5 American adults fully vaccinated as daily average of new Covid...

About 2 in 5 American adults are now fully vaccinated as the daily average of new Covid cases falls below 50,000 for ...

12,000 food parcels and PPE for 10m key workers in Warwickshire's loc...

'Covid didn’t bring out the best in Warwickshire, it shone a light on what was already there'

Act of kindness: Times may be tough but humanity reigns supreme

A noble deed by a Good Samaritan and a traffic constable proved humanity reigns supreme no matter how tough the times...

ICU nurse sings 'you are not alone' to patients in emotional viral video

A heart-warming video has emerged of a nurse going above and beyond for ICU patients by singing and playing guitar fo...

Thousands of people allowed in night club with no face masks for pilot

It's hoped the findings from experiment could pave the way for other venues to re-open

Schools’ solutions to help record-number of failing students during t...

What was expected to last a couple of weeks turned into more than a year of virtual school for many students during t...