Teen builds solar-powered tuk-tuk from scraps

Piranawan, 15, from Sri Lanka spent eight months of his Covid lockdown making his eco-friendly vehicle.

Govt bans manufacture, sale and use of identified single-use plastic ...

The government has banned the manufacture, sale and use of identified single-use plastic items like plates, cups, str...

Seven Reasons to Be Optimistic About the World's Oceans

The health of the ocean is under threat, but these good-news stories deserve attention too

This company uses technology and nature to cut your air conditioning ...

Heat waves are becoming more common in parts of the United States — and that means more people running their air cond...

A new ‘green status of species’ will measure the recovery of threaten...

The new standard from the IUCN highlights successful conservation work — and incentivizes future efforts.

Why whales in Alaska have been so happy

What will happen to Alaska's whales when tourism returns to waters stilled by Covid?

Most powerful tidal turbine starts generating power

The device, anchored in waters off Orkney, is now connected to the grid.

Unilever to bring in carbon footprint labels for food

Exclusive: New packaging will be on supermarket shelves by end of the year

Greenland suspends oil exploration because of climate change

The left-leaning government of Greenland has decided to suspend all oil exploration off the world’s largest island, c...

Giant pandas no longer endangered but still vulnerable, says China

Their classification was downgraded as the number in the wild has reached 1,800, officials said.

EU plans to end caged animal farming

The European Union will work to phase out caged animal farming across the bloc, after a petition calling for an end t...

130 countries agree to global minimum corporate tax rate

That includes, crucially, China and India.