Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation's solar farm now generating electricity ...

There will be something noticeably different in Old Crow, Yukon in a few months. The hum of diesel engines will be go...

Former circus elephants begin to arrive at Florida sanctuary

Former circus elephants are starting to arrive at a new wildlife sanctuary in north Florida...

This startup grows kelp then sinks it to pull carbon from the air

Carbon emissions are a huge contributor to climate change, so companies are getting creative about finding ways to su...

Wind energy could generate 3.3 million jobs within five years, indust...

Several countries want to make wind energy a crucial tool in their pivot away from fossil fuels. 

Number of children held in Border Patrol facilities drops 84% since p...

The number of unaccompanied migrant children held in jail-like conditions by US Customs and Border Protection dropped...

Rooftop solar sends average South Australia daytime power prices belo...

South Australia has set a new benchmark in the electricity market, with its big share of rooftop solar sending the av...

Swift action to cut methane emissions could slow Earth’s warming by 3...

Such reductions could have a crucial impact in the global effort to limit warming below 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahren...

Solar and wind can meet world energy demand 100 times over

Huge falls in the cost of renewables for power in the last few years have unlocked an energy reserve that can meet wo...

'He looked like a pretzel': Leo, a lamb born with deformed legs, is d...

When he was rescued, Leo couldn't stand or walk. Now, he's running around!

Climate change: EU to cut CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030

The EU's climate-change goals of becoming climate neutral by 2050 will become legally binding.