Swedish postage stamp celebrates work of Greta Thunberg

Illustration of activist is part of a series highlighting government’s environmental quality goals

Recovered Midwestern bird soars off endangered species list

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) — The interior least tern, a hardy Midwestern bird that survived a craze for its plumage an...

Coronavirus causes largest U.S. greenhouse gas emissions drop since W...

U.S. greenhouse gas emissions fell 10.3% in 2020, the largest drop in emissions in the post-World War II era, as the ...

Donors pledge $14 bln for 'Green Wall' to hold back Sahara

Development banks and states have pledged a total of $14.32 billion over the next four years to build a "Great Green ...

France and UK lead push for climate finance to restore nature

Campaigners welcomed commitments to ramp up funding for biodiversity but raised concerns it came at the expense of ot...

Paris to Convert Champs-Elysees into "Extraordinary Garden"

THE MAYOR of Paris has confirmed the city's plans to convert the famous Champs-Elysees boulevard into an ambitious "e...

Norway becomes first country to sell more electric cars than petrol v...

The Norwegian government plans to ban the sale of petrol and diesel cars by 2025

Amazon's Jeff Bezos donated richest gift of 2020

Chalk up another win for the world's richest man — Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has topped the list for the largest charitab...

Cambridge, MA is first place in US to have climate warning labels at ...

Cambridge, the home of Harvard and MIT, passed a city ordinance in January requiring the signs at gas station fuel pumps

Adidas is developing plant-based leather that will be used to make sh...

Adidas is working on several sustainability initiatives, including developing this new material, which will be made f...

Plastic straws to be banned in China from 2021

China's use of plastic bags, boxes and cutlery is one of its most stubborn environmental blights, but a new effort is...