The endearing 17-year-old conjoined twins, Sohna and Mohna, have achieved another feat. Residing at a ‘pingalwara’ in...
Campaigner Greta Thunberg says she will donate the money to projects that tackle the climate crisis.
The Bonura family is now officially a party of 10.
Seven years ago, Jared Ream had given up on what he loves: roller coasters. Weighing in at 430 pounds, he couldn't fi...
The 'Piano Man' was recorded playing a discarded piano in Long Island, New York.
A group of New Jersey teens started their own lawn care business, Leaf-it to-Us, to help those in need
It returned to its former owners after nine months of separation.
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. And apparently, all ages. Case in point: Bridger Walker, a 6-year-old boy who ju...
“A start to a new life. Good luck and happiness,” the note read in English. "Assistant to Chaplain Schacter."
The Football Association scheme aims to "pay homage to inspirational" figures like Capt Sir Tom.
Mary Daniel hadn't seen her husband for 114 days due to coronavirus restrictions at the senior care facility where he...
U.S. Army Special Operations Command confirms the first female Soldier graduated on July 9, 2020 at a COVID-compliant...